M: to be dead and unemployed is so annoying!
G:I can give you a job: I wanto to make a music video but my manager don't want 'cause he says it's too trash
M: If I direct it,the video won't be trash,it'll be a masterpiece!
A: I've a bad presentiment!

M: yuhuu! we've finished the video's storyboard
G: nice work Morty, but where are the final act?
A: eheh with post it paper,tha cane has another taste!
M: give me back the storyboard! perfect tomorrow mornig at 9 am we're filming!

G: if the filming starts at 9 am I must make me up at 8 o' clock!
A: only an hour for a make up...can I help u?
G:not 8 am but 8 pm!!
A: oh shit!! why so many hours?!
G: cause we must turn this....in this!
A: there will be a very long night!
M: I'll make u some coffee!
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