domenica 18 dicembre 2011
martedì 13 dicembre 2011
Pop heroes 4
lunedì 12 dicembre 2011
Lady Gaga han made t shirt by me
venerdì 9 dicembre 2011
giovedì 8 dicembre 2011
giovedì 1 dicembre 2011
Trash Music Awards (TMA) page 3
lunedì 28 novembre 2011
giovedì 24 novembre 2011
mercoledì 23 novembre 2011
martedì 22 novembre 2011
domenica 20 novembre 2011
sabato 19 novembre 2011
Behind The Scene (completed)

A: I'm bored!
M: to be dead and unemployed is so annoying!
G:I can give you a job: I wanto to make a music video but my manager don't want 'cause he says it's too trash
M: If I direct it,the video won't be trash,it'll be a masterpiece!
A: I've a bad presentiment!
the following evening
M: yuhuu! we've finished the video's storyboard
G: nice work Morty, but where are the final act?
A: eheh with post it paper,tha cane has another taste!
M: give me back the storyboard! perfect tomorrow mornig at 9 am we're filming!
G: if the filming starts at 9 am I must make me up at 8 o' clock!
A: only an hour for a make up...can I help u?
G:not 8 am but 8 pm!!
A: oh shit!! why so many hours?!
G: cause we must turn this....in this!
A: there will be a very long night!
M: I'll make u some coffee!
the following morning
M: let's making!
A: Ciak one, first scene,smoochy unicorn!
M: nice work Amy,now u must turn on the fan a maximum power!
M:oh my god,her wig!
A,M: She's brown hair!
G: What Shame!!
M: Gaga,there isn't the end of the world if u has brown hair...
if u really want to have blonde hair I can give u the Farrah Fosset's scalp!
G: oh Thank U so much morty! Now I'm blone again!
Oh my god! who's that Guy?!
A: he's handsome, isn't he?! He's a dancer of the company hired for the video
G: they look good,but they're too tall for me!
A: but they're the best company at the moment..they're perfect!
G: I haven't to be shorter than anyone!
U must find some dancers as tall as me!
G: mmm...that's all right now,we can start to making
M: let's go,we must make it good. action!
elfs: oh my god! she killed him!
We want revenge!
M:let's hide in the closet!
G:maybe the previous company was the best dancers
M:Now I'm annoyed!
Gaga,u must stop to annoying them and let's start to work hard!
and u amy,let's stop to drink and help me for the filming!
we must finish this damned video and we must make it in the best way!
M: this's sucks!
I'll find a serious job!!
venerdì 18 novembre 2011
giovedì 17 novembre 2011
martedì 15 novembre 2011
Behind The scenes 9
domenica 13 novembre 2011
sabato 12 novembre 2011
giovedì 10 novembre 2011
mercoledì 9 novembre 2011
lunedì 7 novembre 2011
Behind The Scene 6

G: oh Thank U so much morty! Now I'm blone again!
Oh my god! who's that Guy?!
A: he's handsome, isn't he?! He's a dancer of the company hired for the video
G: they look good,but they're too tall for me!
A: but they're the best company at the moment..they're perfect!
G: I haven't to be shorter than anyone!
U must find some dancers as tall as me!!
sabato 5 novembre 2011
Behind The Scene 5
venerdì 4 novembre 2011
Behind The Scene 4
giovedì 3 novembre 2011
Behind The Scene 1-2-3

M: to be dead and unemployed is so annoying!
G:I can give you a job: I wanto to make a music video but my manager don't want 'cause he says it's too trash
M: If I direct it,the video won't be trash,it'll be a masterpiece!
A: I've a bad presentiment!

M: yuhuu! we've finished the video's storyboard
G: nice work Morty, but where are the final act?
A: eheh with post it paper,tha cane has another taste!
M: give me back the storyboard! perfect tomorrow mornig at 9 am we're filming!

G: if the filming starts at 9 am I must make me up at 8 o' clock!
A: only an hour for a make up...can I help u?
G:not 8 am but 8 pm!!
A: oh shit!! why so many hours?!
G: cause we must turn this....in this!
A: there will be a very long night!
M: I'll make u some coffee!
venerdì 28 ottobre 2011
Video Phone (beyonce vs gaga)
giovedì 27 ottobre 2011
martedì 25 ottobre 2011
No Make Up!
lunedì 24 ottobre 2011
Is Creepy Gaga finished? NOT YET GUYS!
let's space(with steve jobs)

M: Hi kids!!
M: wow there're lots of sweets!!
G:let's hurry morty, the film is starting...
M: girls,I've got other sweets!!
A: I think we've enough sweets!

M:my old friends wanted a great artist for their concert.so I sold them Gaga!
M:even I think she was not very agree!
M:I could also become a great menager!

M:apparently not everyone thinks that gaga is a great artist
G:what are u doing here?!
SJ:the losers of the afterlife using only Windows!!

M:amy,have u met gaga?
A:no I haven't,why?
M: she's forgot her heels
Lg: Let's give me my heels...stupid!!
Naked strips!!

A:Are you sure that this is art and not pornography?
M: if she believes to attract fans by making them exciting to me it's not working!!
A:sure? So what's that?
M:rigor mortis!!
M:the vagina is fixed thought for all , even for thedead people...
but in times of crisis we must be content...
hey girls,are you necrophilic?
Ld: I'm a complete artist: song, dance, recite. I have many talents!
A: but you haven't a dick to fuck!
Ld: oh yeas! I'm hermaphrodite!
A: oh shit,so you're really complete!!

M:this place is huge .. are three days that I walk...
M:and I'm only half way!
A:where is morty? it is a long time that I don't see him
Lg:he has gone to my cloackroom 'cause I asked him to take me a pair of jeans.he'll return in a week!
M:and I'm only half way!
A:where is morty? it is a long time that I don't see him
Lg:he has gone to my cloackroom 'cause I asked him to take me a pair of jeans.he'll return in a week!

Lg:yeah,Fernando,the technician!
A:but is not alejandro?
Lg:I say Roberto!!
A:give me my vodka!!

M: yuhuuu!! she's dead!!
A:No she isn't, she's only fell at the heels!
A:No she isn't, she's only fell at the heels!
Tit's war!!!
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