lunedì 24 ottobre 2011

let's space(with steve jobs)

kids: trick or tr...
M: Hi kids!!
M: wow there're lots of sweets!!
G:let's hurry morty, the film is starting...
M: girls,I've got other sweets!!
A: I think we've enough sweets!

A:because do you have all that money?
M:my old friends wanted a great artist for their I sold them Gaga!
M:even I think she was not very agree!
M:I could also become a great menager!
A:great manager they have thrown out!!!
apparently not everyone thinks that gaga is a great artist
G:what are u doing here?!
SJ:the losers of the afterlife using only Windows!!

M:amy,have u met gaga?
A:no I haven't,why?
M: she's forgot her heels
Lg: Let's give me my heels...stupid!!

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