M:I gave our curriculua at Agency.
we find work soon and our troubles will end!!
A:do u want some vodka?
M:NO!!the deads do not need to drink, drink is bad and u don't have to drink too!
M:What did you say that it is?
B:You stole a victim to your boss!!you know that you are assigned to the suburbs and you can not go beyond the boundaries..doyou know what that means?
M:that the boundaries are too small
B:NO!that you're fired!find another job and take care of the victim that you stole
M:fuck!I just wanted to do something different,
do hitchhike, a hearse will take us into town, maybe we'll work
A:I doubt it
M:are you dead?
H:I only seek a passage to a world beyond made by joy and fun
M:do you enjoy now?
H:not much!
A:I alway preferred jazz to psichaedelic rock!

salve a tutti!!
questo è il mio blog dove inserirò tutti i miei lavori della serie "Creepy Gaga" un progetto fatto di gag e illustrazioni divertenti che hanno come protagonisti una morte secca Gaga e Amy!!!
per ora si tratta solo di poco meno di 50 pagina,ma aumenterò sicuramente il numero...
beh buon divertimento!!